Connectors inc BRH Firewall Issues following Weekend Service Release
Gavin Chapman
almost 3 years ago
UPDATE - 21/01/2022 - Connectors Firewalls
As part of the problems we are experiencing with the Firewalls, our cloud Firewall rebooted overnight and did not power back on. This has caused problems with MFGPro and various other systems across the connectors sites.
We have manually started the services on the Firewall and around 7:40am UK time which has resolved the immediate problems.
The Xandor Infrastructure Team are continuing to work with the Firewall manufacturer for a permanent solution.
Connectors inc BRH Firewall Issues following Weekend Service Release
During the weekend we performed various upgrades to our IT Systems Firewalls, unfortunately we are now seeing problems with the Firewalls which will be affecting users.
The issues we are seeing are the Firewalls are randomly rebooting. A reboot usually takes around 10 minutes. During a reboot user access to network files and folders and internet services will be affected during these spells.
We are working with the Firewall manufacturers to analyse the faults and planning a resolution.
Further announcements will be published when we have new news.